
What to Expect

Sunday services start at 8, 9:30 & 11 a.m.

We know it can be intimidating to visit a new church, so we want to let you know what you can expect at each service.

Come As You Are

We welcome everyone, so feel free to show up in jeans and t-shirts, suits or dresses, and anything in-between. 

Arriving for the First Time

Upon arriving for the first time, stop by the Welcome Center when you arrive for the first time to pick up a free gift we want to give you for stopping by.

All Are Welcome

No matter where you are in your faith journey, please join us! All are welcome at StoryHill, whether you’re not sure what you believe, you are working on strengthening your faith, or you have a strong relationship with God every day.

Kids Birth - 5th Grade

Kids ages birth through 5th grade are cared for or can engage in age-appropriate games and teachings at StoryHill Kids. Parents and caregivers register children upon arriving and receive a security tag to pick up their children after the service.

StoryHill Kids

StoryHill Students

Coming soon, StoryHill Students will offer a combination of fun with spiritual formation. Students 6th-12th grade will be meeting Wednesday nights 6:30-8pm beginning April 3.


Guests are not expected to contribute during the giving portion of the service. Really, there’s no pressure! If you decide to join us regularly, a regular contribution helps StoryHill to provide programs, participate in community events, and keep the lights on.

Give to SHC

We believe StoryHill will be a place where people will discover God's love, grow in their faith, and find community as we journey through life together.